For more details, see the Avoiding DocumentFragment pitfalls section below. Be careful when using the content property because the returned DocumentFragment can exhibit unexpected behavior. This content property is read-only and holds a DocumentFragment that contains the DOM subtree represented by the template. shadowrootmode can take a value of open or closed these are equivalent to the open and closed values of the Element.attachShadow() mode option.Īlso, the corresponding HTMLTemplateElement interface includes a standard content property (without an equivalent content/markup attribute). In supporting browsers, a element with the shadowrootmode attribute is detected by the HTML parser and immediately applied as the shadow root of its parent element. In Chromium-based browsers, the element also supports a non-standard shadowrootmode attribute, as part of an experimental 'Declarative Shadow DOM' proposal.
The only standard attributes that the element supports are the global attributes. Allowing cross-origin use of images and canvas.HTML table advanced features and accessibility.From object to iframe - other embedding technologies.Assessment: Structuring a page of content.